Chill Out
“Climate change is real, and it’s happening right now. It’s the most urgent threat facing our species. I feel there is a ticking clock out there. There’s a sense of urgency that we all must do something proactive about this issue. If you do not believe in climate change, you don’t believe in modern science or empirical truths…” Leonardo DiCaprio (talking last night after winning an Oscar for best actor)
Congratulations Leo on winning the Oscar; well deserved!
I was a little surprised he used this Oscar moment to school the world on climate change.
Leo is right, ‘climate change is real’ however it’s laughable to say it’s our most urgent threat.
The most urgent threat facing our species is the dark empire; the ruler of this world. (John 12:31)
Are we elevating man to levels where only God patrols? Do we really believe we can destroy what God “spoke” into existence?
There is no such thing as a man controlled climate change.
Only God controls these weather buttons.
The Psalmist says in Psalms 147
“God spreads snow like a white fleece,
he scatters frost like ashes,
He broadcasts hail like birdseed—
who can survive his winter?
Then he gives the command and it all melts;
he breathes on winter—suddenly it’s spring!”
We are experiencing climate change, and it is coming from the breathe of God; Him alone!
It’s time we realize the deception of the dark empire and turn ourselves to the One in control of ALL things; including the weather.
Yes, I believe in empirical truth. And it’s this Truth that will set us free. Jesus!
And the clock is ticking…
Let’s run our race with endurance… Focusing on Jesus, THE CHAMPION of our Faith Run.