Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye
In September 1984 Hasbro created an unlikely phenomenon … an animated TV series was introduced called The Transformers. This new series was about robots engaged in a war while morphing into vehicles and other fighting machines known as Autobots. They were truly “more than meets the eye”.
The Transformers franchise depicts Optimus Prime’s Autobots vs Megatron’s Decepticons: good vs evil.
Now I could go on and on about The Transformers. About how Optimus Prime saved his planet Cybertron, about how strong, compassionate and brave he was as the Autobots leader, about how he transformed into a Kenworth cab over truck battle-station. I could also talk about the latest new summer blockbuster movie called Transformers: Age of Extinction starring Mark Wahlberg.
But, I won’t. That’s for another dotcom to do.
More importantly… believe it or not all of this Transformer stuff reminds me about something in the bible. When Nicodemus asked Jesus a question. Nicodemus was a member of the high counsel. He was a very intelligent man. He knew the Old Testament like the back of his hand. However, he asked Jesus this question.
“How can a man be born again when he is old?” (John 3:1-8)
Awe… you gotta love the question. It’s an honest sincere question coming from a much appreciated highly thought of educated man. We should all be brave enough to ask questions. Maybe we would learn something.
Jesus replied to the question.
He said to Nicodemus that “you must be born again of water and spirit otherwise you cannot see the Kingdom”.
Nicodemus said born again?… how can I be born again?
And that is when it struck me. We are Transformers!
We are transformed by way of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have morphed into new battle-stations for Christ. And best of all the price has already been paid at the cross of Calvary. The change (born again) is up to us… just trust and believe in Jesus and be transformed!
After this first transformation you will see the world differently and the world will see you differently. You will express characteristics such as strength, boldness, compassion, love and faithfulness.
You will seek to mend fences, build bridges and stand in the gap for your family and friends. You will look to build up instead of tear down. All of this because greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. You have been transformed! Born again! (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
And there is more good news… This is only the FIRST transformation. Let’s name it “Transformers 1: The Beginning”.
There is a sequel and I imagine God would name it … “Transformers 2: In a Twinkling of an Eye”
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 that our bodies will transform from corruption to incorruption!, from dishonor to glory!, from weakness to power!, from a natural body to a spiritual body!
Think about it! Wow! This is great news. Transformed into new bodies!
As Jesus returns to earth in a twitch of an eye, when the last trumpet sounds we shall be changed into immortal bodies. 1 Corinthians 15:52-53.
Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be transformed. What a day that will be. We will have a new glorified body. Life is worth living. Nothing to worry about.
Move over Optimus Prime… Christians are Transformers 2 – More than meets the eye!
Romans 12:2
Galatians 2:20
2 Corinthians 5:17
Philippians 1:6
Let’s run our race with endurance… focusing on Jesus, THE CHAMPION of our faith run